Friday, June 5, 2015

Burst Sorter in C#

I wrote a preliminary Burst Trie implementation for Burst Sorting strings. It's available via MIT license on GitHub. At this point it's running about 30% faster than Array.Sort() for sorting arrays of strings representing all English words in Shakespeare's plays; its relative performance will vary depending on the number of strings you're sorting, but generally the larger the set the better off you are using a burst sort than a more traditional sort.

The built-in System.Array.Sort() method in .NET uses quicksort, heapsort, or insertionsort depending on the data; burst sort can beat these due to its cache-locality awareness.

I used these materials to learn about burst tries and burst sorting; I am indebted to their authors:

Cache-Conscious Sorting of Large Sets of Strings with Dynamic Tries
Burst Tries, A Fast, Efficient Data Structure For String Keys
Engineering BurstSort: Towards Fast, In-Place String Sorting

Please note that this code may not be exactly production ready for you: your mileage may vary and I'm continuing to work on it. I did not consult any existing source code; this is written from scratch. If you want to use it, make sure it behaves the way you expect. Feel free to reach out to me at to ask questions or provide feedback, and of course, you can do the fork/pull thing on GitHub.

Up next for this project are some more correctness tests (yes, there are tests now!) and exploring various performance improvement possibilities, including sub-bucketing as described by Sinha and Wirth in their Engineering BurstSort paper, use of unsafe code, and implementing a Patricia burst trie (as far as I know, nobody has done that), and a number of minor todos scattered throughout the code.

There may be a pretty obvious question which is something like "if you're that concerned about performance, why are you using C# and not C/C++?"

  1. Most performance improvement comes from algorithmic improvement, not point-optimization. Example: running a loop N times instead of N^2 times is better and better the bigger N gets, even if you make each iteration substantially more efficient in the N^2 version.
  2. After the .NET JIT compiler gets done with the IL, similar code is approximately as fast in C# as in C++. You're free to argue with me on this but it's not going to be fruitful; we're talking a few percentage points, not 3x differences. I'm reasonably cautious about avoiding obvious problems here.
  3. People use C#. A lot. C++ is great but it can be a bit of a bear for some problems, so it's handy to have this.
  4. There doesn't appear to be any C# implementation available anywhere else, so there is novelty value.
  5. I get to do whatever I want with my time. ;)


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